Origins Spot Remover Blemish Treatment Pads and Blemish Treatment Gel Review

by Row on September 23, 2011 · 1 comment

in Review,Skincare

TAGS: Origins • • Spots •

Origins released a newer updated blemish range a few months ago and since I still get zitty, I gave two of the products a whirl.

They are the treatment gel and the blemish treatment pads.  Another reason I wanted to try these is because I scar easily and get patches of pigmentation where I have once had a spot or bite or scratch. Poor, delicate skin.

When it comes to spot treatment I like it fast and effective. Origins skincare makes me think of gentle things, trees and nature – it doesn’t make me think of hardcore spot frying ingredients.

Origins spot remover

Spot Remover Blemish Treatment Gel: Just dab on a dot and feel blemish-busting Salicylic Acid go to work while anti-spot technology helps minimise the appearance of post-blemish marks.  Skin-calming Caffeine and Red Algae help reduce the appearance of redness. And to help keep skin looking spotless, super exfoliators help eliminate excess oils and pore-clogging debris.

The Blemish Pads (which I can’t find to buy online) is formulated for daily use – you get 60 in a tub and you can use both sides (although they are quite thin and not that padded).  They are presoaked so no messing about with liquid.


Because my skin can be dry and sensitive I kept the pads to the t-zone area  for a month (I got through these quickly). They smell quite strong, like antiseptic-witch-hazel, it’s fine, not painful or anything like that.

The pads are quite thin and smooth – you can easily pick up two of pay attention!

The pads contain extracts of cucumber, apple and caffeine and of course, salicylic acid.

I am not uber zitty around the t-zone (but I get black heads) I did think these pads controlled oil on this area well.

I also think it prevented any spots from coming out (which I usually get a few minor ones a week).

Origins Spot Remover Pads

The downsides to this pad is that you can easily get through these in 1 month. If you were to buy a toner with similar properties it would last longer.

The treatment zit gel I like too – it’s an update from their previous version. I like spot gels as they are near invisible on the skin – Clinique Anti Blemish gel used to be one of my favourites because it just burnt the damn spots off!

This Origins treatment gel feels a little gentler, but still very much helped to dry out zits and stopped bigger ones from expanding. It still tingles in the way the Clinique did. It’s especially good for spots with a head or pus in it – the big ones that aren’t coming to a head any time soon, this is not as good on I find.

This treatment gel is also supposed to deal with redness, scarring and pore debris.  Does it?

Well I didn’t apply it to my pores but I tried it on a scar I am trying to get rid off.

I would say it really helped bring down the redness but the actual scarring (ie. a brown mark) it didn’t do much.

The only thing with this (this sounds silly) but it comes in a teeny pot. It’s super cute but annoying as I know I’ll lose it. Maybe I need to wear it around my neck.

If you suffer from acne but don’t want to use anything too harsh, I’d recommend these products.

What are your favourite spot treatments?

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Jen September 23, 2011 at 11:13 pm

I need something that BURNS as usually the ones that burn work best! My fave is still the Mario Badescu pne, or I’ve found the Nick Lowe one pretty good too


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