Considering the fact I have been a skincare whore of late, its good – actually great – sometimes to use a product that is just straightforward. NeoStrata Bionic Face Cream is one of those, straightforward kinda creams:

The NeoStrat range in fairly large with a mixture of cleansers, moisturizers, treatments for various kinds of skin. The packaging is simple, everything is unfragranced.

They say: Bionic Face Cream – An anti-aging cream which provides intensive moisturisation for all skin types, including rosacea and atopic patients. It is ideal for use on dry skin and in post-procedure care with glycolic acid peels, non-ablative laser, IPL and microdermabrasion.

Its good for dry skin, sensitive skin that is prone to redness (like mine!)

The cream is a translucent white gel. It smells like….vaseline. Do you think vaseline has a smell? I do, and it’s sort of like that but with a slightly more acidic edge to it. It isn’t horrible and I prefer it to any added fragrance.

The cream really is best for dry skins as its so rich. If you have oily skin there are Neo Strata ranges for your skin type but Bionic should be saved for those with dry skin. I found it a little rich at the time but have been using it again recently because my skin seems to be going through a dry patch.

And this is a really really good cream. Its one of those that just work. My pores appeared smaller and my skin felt hydrated. Most creams will make me itch, but I can’t say I had any irritation with this.
I would recommend this – I’d like to try the cleanser and their eye cream too, its one of those ranges that works pretty damn well.
I got mine from here for £25.50 – the rest of the range is there too.
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Hi yes I agree this product from Neostrata is really good, great blog you have.