Lip Care Post No 2: Skinfood Green Coffee Lip Scrub Review

by Row on January 11, 2012 · 2 comments

in Asian Beauty Products,Eyes & Lips

TAGS: Korean Brands • lip balm • • skinfood •

Remember when the original big Lip Scrub was Sara Happs rather overpriced range? I bought into it, then realised it was just SUGAR, people, SUGAR.

Since then I’ve decided that I like Bliss’ lip scrub a lot, but not LUSH’s which reminds me of the same feeling I get when I’ve pushed a doughnut it my mouth, and my lips are covered in dry sugar. (By the way, here’s my very old guide on how to make a lip scrub). I digress.

Before any of those lip scrubs, I owned a Body Shop lip scuff. Remember that baby? It was a white coloured (or minty green?) product with tons of scrubs in a lipstick tube. It was kinda harsh and your lips were WHITE after using it (you rubbed it off, but still). Today I have a less corpse like lip scrub in a tube from Skinfood:

Skinfood Green Coffee Lip Scrub

This lip scrub comes in a very handy lipstick form and contains orange peel, black sugar grains and hydrates with antioxidant enriched green coffee oil (I hate green coffee!).

Despite hating green coffee, I like the smell of this lip scrub which is off a mild coffee.  It has a texture similar to a chapstick, quite a hard oily balm with granules in it.

Because of the balm to scrub ratio, you get quite a mild scuff.  My head likes a good hard scuff, my heart says no no no! You’re rubbing my lips to hard! So maybe this kind of lip scrub keeps me from harming myself:

Skinfood Green Coffee Lip Scrub 1

Skinfood Green Coffee Lip Scrub 2

I’ve used a few times now and have come to the conclusion that: I don’t have time to wash the make up off my face at night sometimes, so I really have minimal time to scrub my lips. I will do it, before lip swatches and when the flakes look really bad (I don’t like looking at super dry lips…eew).

Aside from this revelation, I quite like this product because it’s not too harsh and it’s easy to use. The other lip scrubs in tubs require a bit more time, a bit more fiddling where as this one, you can scrub, quickly wipe off grains and your lips look like they have been hydrated too.

Therefore for someone who wants to scrub and go – why not? This is a decent pick.

*I bought this from eBay for around £7

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Airi January 11, 2012 at 8:29 pm

Oh lala, a lip scrub that comes in a tube! The color scheme is very earthy, Skin Food indeed~
I would imagine that being in a tube would make it harder to scrub as thoroughly as with your finger; is that the case? But you did also mention that it’s a mild scrub.


Jen January 12, 2012 at 12:53 am

I remember those Body Shop lip scrubs…old skool! At least this one sounds a bit less harsh! Interested to know what green coffee smells/tastes like, didn’t know green coffee existed!


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