Whoops, Blog Sale Update, Stuff

by Row on February 23, 2012 · 7 comments

in Announcements



Sorry it’s been quiet on the blog of late! There are a few reasons for this.  Here’s a picture of a cat:

Cat says wait

1) We are changing hosts - this always takes forever, and involves lots of messing about.  During this time it’s hard to post as you never know where it’ll end up.  Some comments from the last few days may be lost, sorry.  Connection may be a bit choppy as it switches over, feel free to let me know if you can’t view the blog or if you’re having problems with loading the pages.

2) The internet has been down – thanks for that BT.

3) I am really really really tired - there’s a good reason for this, I promise.  But I am regaining my energy slowly but surely thanks to Marks and Spencers Tea Cakes.

I’ll be back to normal speed soon.  In other news, I am having a £11 haircut tomorrow (eek) and I have got some amazing new make up to show you from Hong Kong!  And I’ll need some major life planning advice from you all soon. That’s all.

Also, all Blog Sale orders that have been paid for (bar one, you know who you are) have been sent.  Obviously most of you will have got your parcels by now, it takes a few weeks if you are abroad.  If you don’t get anything in a reasonable amount of time, get in touch, as I have tracking numbers but obviously AFTER a reasonable amount of time otherwise I will be looking through receipts over and over. :o )

Kisses, hope you are well!

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Sarah S. February 23, 2012 at 6:14 pm

Waiiii I hope you are well. In fact, I hope you are PREGO because I am going to try in a matter of a couple of weeks and I don’t want to be the only person I know who is prego!


Nazia @ MascaraMagic! February 23, 2012 at 6:38 pm

I got my parcel, thank you very much!

Are you preggers?! OMG I so want to meet Baby Candy!


masterofboots February 24, 2012 at 2:16 am

It’s ok, take care. We bloggers are not machines and need a break everynow and then


Helen Nguyen February 24, 2012 at 10:26 am

Thanks for the update. Im pretty new to your blog, but been really enjoying it so far. Can’t wait for your haul ^^ and btw, congrats – if you’re really preggers!


Lucy February 25, 2012 at 10:01 am

Thanks for the update, Im glad your well, are you preggers? :)

I never got an invoice for my order, whats going on with it please? x


Wordbird February 29, 2012 at 2:12 pm

Woo! Got to love life-changes. :)
I got my parcel from the blog sale. REALLY REALLY chuffed; thank you so much.
And how good are those M&S teacakes, huh? Mmmmm…


Aisha February 29, 2012 at 7:40 pm

i did leave a message on the blogsale asking for some items but did not hear anything


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