Tangled lashes? Try this took: The Savvylash lash separator Review

by Row on July 21, 2010 · 6 comments

in General,Make Up,Review

TAGS: • Savvylash •

I am obsessed with lashes although I definitely make plenty of lash/mascara mistakes…all the time!

But I’m learning!

I am generally too lazy to give my lashes a comb through (even though I should) but I just don’t have time in the morning when I do my make up to go to work. I was interested in trying the Savvylash tool because it’s a quicker way of getting rid of clumps!


Ok so the Savvylash looks like this:


It’s a long tool, almost like a cat claw. Yep – scary to look at.

To use the item, remove the lid of the tool and hold it between the thumb and forefinger securely.

Then start at the root of the eyelash and move the tool outwards, between the lashes – avoiding contact with the eyelid, eyeball and lashes. #alttext#

Ok ok I know what you are thinking! It still looks scary! But really – it’s not! You just can’t use this in a rush or in the car or anything daft like that. Use a mirror, rest your arm on a firm surface and then give it a go!


This tool works remarkably well! My lashes like to clump together, especially when I have extensions in – but these took works well to get the big lumps out!


I also used it for lifting the lashes and for getting bits of fluff out – yes I get fluff on my lashes sometimes!



Really gets rid of big clumps quickly

Is cheap and easy to use


You need to be careful and take your time using this

You’ll need a comb if you want to sort all your lashes out with a finer touch

But it here for £4.99

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Clare July 21, 2010 at 7:30 pm

i think people have too much time on their hands if they need an eyelash detangler.


Row July 21, 2010 at 7:46 pm

Hi Clare

Well it depends how much of a problem your tangled lashes get!! It’s a fav product of make up artist Lisa Eldridge and also used at the Jemma Kidd Make Up school – so for pro’s is definitely a useful too. For me, I’ll use it occasionally when I have a bit clump or for special events!


Harpreet July 21, 2010 at 10:34 pm

i might try this, ive got really long lashes and they tend to clump when i use mascara.


Row July 22, 2010 at 12:10 pm

Ooh Harpreet I am so jealous!

You know, since I have had lash extensions I’ve realised how easy it is to end up with tangled lashes they keep getting in my eye too :/


Sharlynn March 9, 2011 at 5:25 pm

It looks a bit dangerous to me, I’d rather keep old mascara brushes (after washing them clean of course!) and using them to get rid of excess on the lashes. It really works for me.


what the October 11, 2012 at 9:57 am

really why do i need to detangle my eyelashes ? I can use the mascara wand this is a load of plastic rubbish adding to the pollution in the world what the world needs is ANOTHER piece of rubbish plastic NOT


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