Snow Leopard, come to mama!
At just £25 to upgrade, the latest OS X operating system is a little bit of a rip off seeing as I
a. Got Leopard as a gift at Xmas, costing £80 and
b. People in the US are paying $29 for it. That makes me think it should be more like £18 in the UK, not £25. But I digress.

Snow Leopards aren’t actually very white, more light grey and creamy! Here is my quick interpretation (had to tone it down, I had lots of boring errands!):

Ah who am I kidding? I love everything that Apple make. My dream is to do a quick whip around the Apple Warehouse….

I used a very cheap palette by ‘Manly’ *sniggers* one of those cheap 120 colour palettes from eBay (I used a grey and white but the grey turned mint green on my eyes):

And good old Bobbi Brown Gel Liner to paint on the spots. I love that liner so much…I had to go to the Supermarket like this. How dedicated am I?

See how I’m snarling like a Leopard?
Meanwhile, I HATE my hair this color (I dyed it black) can’t wait for it to fade so I can stop looking like I’m from Legoland.
I am happy its September, although its scarily close to Christmas I have lots of great things planned especially for the blog.
Hope you enjoyed my supermarket appropriate leopard look!
{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }
Fabulous! I love it!
Hey Rowena!
I just upgraded my Slow Leopard to Snow Leopard this weekend. It did the trick, my poor machine full of movies, 18,000 MP3′s and 10,000 photos is running much faster, however I did messed it all up so now nothing quite works properly. Hardly surprising considering the entirety of this weekend I was either very drunk or very hungover… Need to tweak all my settings again this evening… Brrrr! Very cute Leopard look btw…
You look stunning Row! I love animal print eyes
I just got my new MacBookPro (my old Acer gave up the ghost a couple of months back, and it was high time for a replacement) last week, so I’m guessing Snow Leopard is the OS that I’m currently using. IDK, the whole thing requires a bit of an adjustment, especially with the bizarre integrated mousepad.
I love the inspired eye-makeup and I actually think your hair color looks really, really nice (better than mine, anyway).
I colored my hair a few weeks back and hate the results; I’ve since learned it’s best to leave hair-lightening to professional. I waver between wanting to let it grow out and going to a professional to have it fixed. :-/
Hey MandyP
My mother, Nan and other half like my new shorter, darker hair “Less of a complete mess” – my mother……..but I kind of miss the length even though I know it was pointless and I was turning into one of those nutty women that has super long hair thats in disgusting condition with a trillion split ends. I am already toying with the idea of having my hair cut and coloured by geez – its expensive in these parts!
I’ll be going to snow leopard shortly once I get paid, I need a new hard drive and then a fresh install of snow leopard,,,,,ahhhhhhhhhh this long suffering macbook will be like new unless I screw everything up in which case, look after the blog for me……