My skin is not without a few itchy, dry patches – I had eczema has a child and at its worse it affected my face after I had been in warm conditions.
I have more or less grown out of the condition although people around me have quite a lot of difficulties – my cousins have both grown up with extreme (as in stay in the special care section of a hospital) eczema and Mr Candy has terrible psoriasis on his hands.
Whilst I doubt there is a one solution fits all, I’m still always on the look out for things that may help.
I was sent this Ecz-easy Balm from Inlight Organics to try.

This product is a thick, yellow coloured balm with quite a strong herbal small. Its a balm – its rich and takes time to sink into the skin – therefore its not something I would necessarily use say, on my face during the day but I don’t have a problem with it on the body.
It contains:
Jojoba & Evening Primrose Oils – nourishing, rich in Vitamin E, antioxidant
Black Cumin Seed Oil – containing over 100 beneficial constituents including the essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6
Marigold & Plantain – calming, anti-inflammatory
Chickweed – soothing, calms itching

The balm is good for buns, eczema and psoriasis. I used this on a patch of light eczema I have on my upper arm, which gets quite red after I’ve had a shower.

My case is extremely mild and I feel for people who have reoccuring skin conditions like this – its extremely uncomfortable and depending on where it is, unsightly for the person.
(Remember there are other things you can look into like your diet, what products you use on your skin and steroid creams too.)
So this balm is THICK and its rather YELLOW. It looks yellow too as you spread it on your skin and work it in – like I said earlier you do need to work it into the skin.
The smell is quite strong – if you don’t like herbal type scents you might not like this one.

As you can see the balm still hasn’t quite sunk in to the skin. Its good as a treatment on the skin as its hydrating and soothes the itching, but its not something that you would slap on and go IMO.
Other creams I use include Aqueous cream (which comes in the large pot) as a cleanser sometimes, E45, Oilatum is good for baths (both from Boots) and there are some great steroid creams but you need to get these on prescription and use sparingly. Ask your doc!

I left this on my skin and it did actually feel a lot better and looked less red after about 20 minutes. It also lasted on my skin for quite a while – I didn’t feel the dryness coming back.
If you want to try and organic, homeopathic remedy on your skin condition this is quite an affordable and decent product to try.
Whilst it probably won’t replace your steroid cream for more serious skin conditions, or your Savlon for on the go application, its a long lasting and soothing product.
Its £13.55 from here – its a 45ml tube and is more than substantial due to its texture.
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so i’m catching up on your older posts lol. this review is perfect for me as i have eczema.. and the reoccurring kind too =( it’s on my face as well as my body. i really want to give this a try now. do you know if they sell it in U.S.?