The topic of finding a sticky, clear gloss came up the other day when a reader wanted to know if I had found one to use to stick glitter to my eyes.
I had found one (Miss Sporty) but only just.
It occurred to me then….some things should exist but are might hard to locate….

For example, here are 3 things I was looking for recently -
1. A clear, non scented, non plumping, sticky gloss.
Because nearly all the companies have bought into the lip plumping nonsense, and because non-sticky is supposed to be the desirable lip gloss texture.
Found: Miss Sporty Clear Gloss
2. A foundation with no SPF
Yes, these DO exist but its still hard to find one because most women want sun protection in their foundation. I was looking for one for a specific upcoming tutorial (and you know I like my high end foundations…its easier to find a SPF free cheapo base). Its amazing how hard it can be finding one. Some people are allergic to SPF so it should be an option.
Found: Good selection from Clinique
3. The perfect beige liner for the inner eye
Buttery from MAC is ideal (discontinued), there’s one I like from Illamasqua (I forget the name) and Shu Uemura beige lip pencil works but both are matte. I’d prefer a bit of shimmer.
Everywhere I looked, the pencils were white or silver.
Found: In the end I settled for Champagne Aqua Eyes pencil from MUFE but if it had a tad more beige it would be ideal. (Review coming up – I am not a fan of this pencil at all)
So Tell Me….
Is there anything you are trying to ‘find’ but struggle with?
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#1 MAC has a basic clear gloss you may dig. Smashbox and NARS have clear glosses, too.
#2 Clinique, MAC, and Stila are my favs for SPF-free foundations.
#3, Stila has a pencil you may like – the shade is Topaz, described as an apricot nude. It may be closer to what you’re looking for!
1. There’s tons of cheap-o drugstore brands that have sticky glosses.
Too bad I through all the ones I purchased in the trash..
3. I agree with the post above– Stila’s Topaz is pretty famous for being a great pencil to line your waterline. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it. (Have you?)
If you end up buying it, tell us what you think please. c:
Hi girls,
We don’t officially get Stila in the UK anymore – looked everywhere but theres no where I can buy it
Aw man. ):
Have you tried online?
This place has it :
But it’s pretty cheap, so I’m not sure if it’s legit.
(Or maybe I’m just paranoid)
Row, is the Miss Sporty lipgloss the Hollywood gloss in My A-list? It’s the only one online that seems to meet your description. Does that brand have any other good products? Hope I can order it from here (in the U.S.). All you gals suggesting other clear, nonplumping glosses — I want something really sticky, the way MAC Lipglass used to be before they messed with it…
always hunting for 1) lavender lippies, 2) perfect beige/nude lippies, 4) smear-proof pencil eyeliners, and 5) powders/foundations/primers that actually work at keeping the oilies at bay
ps. a perfect beige colored pencil for the inner corners & lower waterline is Cargo’s Reverse Lipliner — although it’s a lipliner, it can double as your eyeliner as well… trust!
How about topaz kajal by stila? It’s soft for the waterline too.
What can’t I find…a nude lipstick that isn’t actually pink or brown, yet works on my lips without looking like concealer. Or maybe that’s just the look, and I’ll never be alright with it?
Miss Sporty do a nice beige liner and I also like the Gemma Kidd I-perfector as a beige liner! x
I’m trying (and I know I’m not alone) to find a black eyeliner pencil that doesn’t smudge like you were crying all day and, I have to quote Suka&Spice, a nude lipstick that doesn’t look like a concealer. I’m also hunting for a moisturizer that hydrate my skin perfectly whitout leaving it oily or dry.
the amount of time, money and effort, and pimple-extinguishers I have spent looking for a suitable sunscreen!!!!

Dear sunscreen makers,
I need good spf that is mineral based sans chemicals which sting my eyes out, without white ghastly cast and is not oily, sticky or hard to spread evenly, as non pore clogging as possible. Please make something for my poor sun wreaked skin or tell me where do you hide this miracle product..
babe collection 2000 do a gel for eyes with a glitterpot on the other side. havent tried it but it looks good
*sticky gel
Yes, try out the Cargo Reverse Lipliner as someone else mentioned above. It does double duty.