Subscribing, Feeds, and so on…

by Row on October 18, 2012 · 0 comments

in Announcements


I haven’t been brilliant with keeping up with blog things since the arrival of Baby H, but I do intend to catch up very shortly!  I have heard that Google will be shutting down (if it hasn’t already shut down) their Feedburner service which is what we use to send out our daily feeds!

If you would like to stay subscribed to the blog and get email notifications of new posts, videos, reviews, rants etc. we have found another service. 

Simply click on the link below:

It will take you to a page like this. Hover over ‘New Readers’ in the blue box:


A box will appear. Add your email and click on Subscribe. That’s it! 
Skitched 201
Hopefully you will get a chance to re-subscribe to the blog…I have lots of interesting things to say…honest. :D

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