Review: Skinfood Olive Oil Hair Essence

by Row on August 5, 2009 · 1 comment

in Asian Beauty Products,Haircare,Review

TAGS: Hair Care • Korean • skinfood •

Since getting my hair cut (more on that experience later) I’ve been determined to treat my extremely dry hair carefully with lots of nourishing treatments, so that if I do grow it again, it won’t be a big massive frizzy hair bomb.

Olive Oil is a wonderful treatment for the hair, but I liked the look of this Skinfood Olive Hair Essence which I saw on eBay (about £8 with shipping).

skinood extra virgin olive oil essence.jpg

The essence is a very thick oil – no messing about or thinking out there, so it goes without saying – apply cautiously. My hair is fine but there’s lots of it so I slathered it on my ends to smooth it out.

skinfood olive hair.jpg

It did everything I thought it would – made my hair softer, glossier – once again, it is heavy so just a small amount is enough. It tamed frizzy ends – I used it before drying once and also when my hair was try – I preferred it before blow drying I think and the result is soft looking hair. You may want to avoid if you are trying to put in curls as this would probably make it drop out a little.


skinfood virgin olive essence.jpg

There aren’t many ingredients in this – some preservatives and good old olive oil and perfume. Made me think – is Olive oil from the rack just as good?

Well, no, because I think normal Olive Oil is great as a leave in treatment, but is too smelly (unless you like smelling like a an french dressing) and too greasy as a blow dry/finishing serum.

This product is nicely perfumed (smells flowery) and is designed to be used as a finishing product.

Verdict: I Likey!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

rhania escueta September 9, 2009 at 3:02 am

my hair has a lot of split ends.. could this be fine with mine?


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