Although I have rather soft hands, it won’t always be this way. Our hands like out necks are supposed to be unable to hide our real age…check out Angelina’s paws:


That’s why we need to take care of out paws whilst they are still youthful since they take a good bashing day to day.
Then I found Gloves in a Bottle. I have heard of this before, but I thought it was one of those kooky, US products sold on JML or something.

There’s actually quite a lot of science behind it which I find quite interesting in a geeky way. *Puts glasses on* – listen up!
Instead of attempting to replace natural oils, Gloves In A Bottle forms a web or bond with the dead skin cells that works like an invisible pair of gloves. This invisible pair of gloves helps reduce the natural oil and moisture loss allowing the skin to heal itself. Gloves In A Bottle helps the outer layer of skin to keep its natural oils and moisturizers that protect the deeper layers of skin, leaving the skin soft and supple.
Gloves In A Bottle keeps the outer layer of skin functioning so well so it can breathe and perspire naturally.
Because Gloves In A Bottle becomes part of the outer layer of skin itself, it doesn’t wash off like conventional lotions. It comes off naturally with exfoliating skin cells. For continued protection, just reapply every 4 to 12 hours.

Easy-to-use shielding lotion: –
* non greasy and non-sticky,
* fragrance and colorant free,
* hypoallergenic, non-toxic, completely safe,
* rapidly absorbs, is undetectable once dry,
* fits all skin types,
* doesn’t come off easily when you wash or touch something,
* wears off naturally with exfoliating skin cells,
* small amount lasts for hours.
You can actually use this for all kinds of skin conditions, like Exzema, Dermatitis and the one I can’t spell – Psyriosis….Psriosis….Psoriasis.

This is what the lotion looks like:

I have been using this for a while and I LOVE it. It’s non toxic, it has no SPF but I love the idea that it can shield my hands for four hours per application from the daily abuse my hands take….
* Holding hot coffee cups
* Typing a lot
* Shoving cats
* Finger Pointing
* Picking nose inadvertently on the tram
I already have good hands but now they are better and once the boyfs rather gnarly hand-skin disease calms down with the help of steroids, I will be buying one of these for him (we can’t have a slow down in the household chores now, can we?).
The price is good too – a 60ml tube like mine is £4.99 but you can buy it in larger quantites.
You can get a free sample and more info (or buy) HERE.

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Both the mother and myself have the reptillion gene. With her poor hands cracking upon due to scaliness and my feet being rather ghastly. So have ordered myself a free sample as my little GP can do no more for me. Thanks for letting me know of this, will let you know if I’m cured! x
Hey Elizabeth
let me know if it works for you! If your hands are really bad you might want to use something heavier while they heal but I really like this stuff!