Review: Decleor Aromessence Essential Night Balm is rather good

by Row on February 4, 2010 · 0 comments

in Review,Skincare

TAGS: balms • Decleor • Night Treatments • Organic •

I went through a bit of a Decleor phase after my first proper Spa visit, and *in a dumb and dumber voice* I like it a lot. But I haven’t committed to the whole skincare range. Are you mad? I’ve got plenty to go through first!

Nevertheless, I picked up this Decleor Essential Balm which is a night treatment, 100% natural and preservative free. Comes in a rather tiny 15ml pot and a lurid yellow box:

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It comes in a frosted little bottle – handy sized and comes with a spatula. I don’t know why that spatula makes me happy. It just does.

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This balm as a light, flowery scent. I don’t love it but I don’t hate it either – at least its not lavender. You only get a small pot BUT you only need a bit.

I personally love balms and I love the idea of massaging oils in my face but since I have such sensitive skin at the moment, I struggle a lot with any kind of facial oil, natural or not.

This balm melts easily:

declor visage essential balm.jpg

The texture of the balm:

decleor essential balm.jpg

I have to say it – I love this product! Even on my sensitive skin, it worked magic over night. The next day my skin was hydrated, brighter and just more supple. I have a few magic products that I used over night (like Creme De La Mer – hate it all you want but when my skin is PARCHED, its the only thing that will recover it) and this is one of them.

It will last a while too, you don’t need to use this every night, just 2-4 times a week.

Not sure how it will be on oily skin – maybe not so hot but totally recommended for dry to normal skins, young and mature.


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Its £28.50 at , but don’t do that. Look on eBay – I got mine for £17 including shipping so there’s a bargain to be had!

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