My special scalp solution: Kao Merit Shampoo Massage Brush Review!

by Row on January 17, 2012 · 5 comments

in Haircare,Product Tests,Review

TAGS: Cleansing • Kao •

It’s really no fun having a sensitive, itchy, spotty sore scalp. I’ve been there, in fact, I go back there every time I use a product that doesn’t suit my scalp or I am under stress and my body reacts by punishing my skin.  I generally use SLS free shampoo products although I have found a few exceptions that don’t make me flare up too badly too.

Anyhow, when your scalp is unhealthy, you will give anything a go. I have all sorts of scalp oils, tonics, scrubs (yes really) for the scalp, some help, some don’t. Then I spotted this scalp massage brush from Kao (the Merit range).  I have owned shampoo brushes before, cheap knock offs from China, where you put the shampoo into a hole in the handle (lazy!) or ones that look like silicone scrubbers!

They were all very meh. I’ve had this Kao brush for about 5 months and I tried it once, thought meh then forgot about it. Then…

Kao Merit Shampoo Massage Brush 1

For some reason I decided to dig it out again. I think my scalp was just very itchy and I wanted something I could use to give it a good scratch whilst I was washing my barnet….

This Shampoo/Massage brush is a round dome shape that fits nicely into your hands. It is made of plastic and long bristles, if you like. They are superior to the ones you may see on eBay that are quite cheap – they need to be a certain length to get past your hair (especially if it is thick like mine) and get to the scalp. Anything too short just gives your hair a nice little rub – pointless.

It fits quite well in the hand:

Kao Merit Shampoo Massage Brush 2

The bristles has 3 lengths, according to the packaging, one is long and spiky, one has a 2 pronged head, like a snakes tongue, and one is a shorter stubber head (but I find that one hard to spot in the brush).  You can’t put the product into this brush, you use it to massage the scalp and build up a lovely soft lather.

So I started using this again for scratching reasons, and my my – if you persevere you will get this really lovely soft lather all over your head, meaning you use less product and you can get the scalp really clean. I HATE greasy scalps. So so so much.

Additionally, this seems to help sweep away loose flakes and dandruff – not on the first go, but in a few washes.

More importantly I started to notice a healthier, clean scalp.  I still have to use a suitable shampoo with it though, but provided I do, I find that I only have to wash every other day or at a push every 3 days (I religiously wash my hair every day usually so this is an achievement!).  If you don’t need to wash that often anyway cos you don’t get greasy you’ll find you may have a few extra days of non washing…if that’s your thing!

Kao Merit Shampoo Massage Brush 3

So far this is the best massage and shampoo brush I have tried, it is superior to the cheaper models I have tried.

I can’t recommend it enough, it only takes a few more seconds than massaging in shampoo with your fingers and I don’t really go at my scalp, I just do it enough to get some soft foam all over.

I bought this from eBay and paid about £9 for it inc. shipping.

Would you try a massage brush for the scalp?

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Kooslee January 17, 2012 at 2:42 pm

Woa, nice review. Does that brush help stimulate your hair follicle? My hair is falling out a lot. It doesn’t help the fact that my hair is greasy and thin. So I have to wash it everyday.


N. January 17, 2012 at 8:54 pm

I’m having itchy, dry, flaky, spotty sore scalp. What type of products help for this? Ive tried oils, and now toners, one got really close to alleviate it but not really. . Help?


Jess January 17, 2012 at 10:28 pm

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Jane January 18, 2012 at 10:19 pm

Hi Rowena, think this is yet another product I desperately need based on your review! I am having trouble finding it on eBay though; could you please let me know what I have to search in order to reach this massage brush?? Thank you so much in advance!!


kuri January 19, 2012 at 7:02 am

going to go look for this!


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