Happy New Year! New Years Resolutions, 2012 Chit Chat and all that…

by Row on December 31, 2011 · 3 comments

in Announcements

TAGS: • Happy New Year! •

Hello guys!  In case I don’t get a chance later I wanted to say Happy New Year, and have a bit of a chit chat because the blog has been running on skeleton mode the last week!

Are you excited about 2012? I am – I have a really good feeling about the year ahead, with lots of work plans and personal plans cooking in the kitchen.  There’s also The Olympics and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and it’s a Dragon Year on the Chinese Zodiac! (Sad, but this all makes me excited!)

Cat new year

In 2012 I will be resuming work on all of my blogs (such as Cats that blog and Cooking Nana) as I have been so busy at work the last few months I haven’t had time to – hopefully I can divide my time better between them all.

I will be finishing and adding more items to Kawaii Gifts (sale on in January!).  There will also be a epic blog sale in the next 2/3 weeks…epic.  I am trying do a massive clear out! I will do a preview list once the photographs have been done.

Also have you got a new diary yet? I am a sucker for notebooks so I have 3 (I change throughout the year this year I want to stick with them). I have:

Diaries Jetoy

A diary from Daycraft, a Jetoy Cash Book (see resolutions) and a New York Korean design notebook for general scribbles. I also have a , which is basically a line a day – I can’t begin to imagine how much will happen over the next 5 years, so it’ll be interesting. I’ll start this in January.

I love Daycraft notebooks – they are a Hong Kong brand, more fun than Moleskine.  Hopefully they’ll come to the UK soon (they sell some diaries in Magma, but the simpler designs). I chose a pink faux leather one, it has lots of useful pages and each day has a page with the times.  What this diary has made me see if how precious time is….you have to account for your time with this:

Daycraft Diary

The cashbook is cool too, you can put down your spends for each day and you also have to put down your financial goals at the start of the book to remind yourself what you are doing it for.

So, anyway I am a fan of resolutions.  I think I work better with some goals in mind, rather than floating aimlessly and just getting through each day. So here are some of my goals:

1. Work smarter, reach higher

I chose work smarter rather than work harder because I already work pretty hard. I’d like to have more than 4 hours sleep a night this year so I need to delegate and manage time better, and achieve some goals I’ve set for the blogs and the day job!

Cat jumps High


2. Lose weight, be healthier

I’d like to get down to 9 Stone 10lbs which might be heavy for some people but I am very big boned and that’s at the lower end of my healthy BMI. I did use to be there, but working in an office really made me pile on the pounds. I also need to exercise of course and just look after myself more as I have been so run down this year.

CATS Exercise 1

3. Family Time

I already spend a lot of time with my family because it’s one of my beliefs that on my deathbed, I don’t want to regret not spending enough time with the people who are the most imporant to me. I would like to move into a new home, and host Christmas this year, and also have lots of great get togethers!

Cat mum and kid

4. Be better with money

Being a beauty blogger is a killer on the purse! This year I would like to be better with money and the cashbook should help and just generally stop myself from making frivolous purchases.  So the question, DO I NEED THIS? should pop up every time I buy something and the answer 99% of the time will be a big fat NO!

Cat with money

5. Touch up Ryan Gosling

I can have one ‘out there’ resolution right?  ’ve had so much abuse for fancying Ryan Gosling. Mr C calls him Ryan Gosslegay and my aunt calls him Ryan Goggling. I don’t care, I think he’s hot and amazing in Drive, Blue Valentine, Crazy Stupid Love…but not the really early stuff.  He doesn’t look at hot with curtains and a confused look on his face.

Ryan gosling 1

That’s it!

What are you doing tonight? Any resolutions?

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Yazmin December 31, 2011 at 8:03 pm

Haahaha at the ryan gosling resolution. I too have many resolutions.

I have many small ones, but the biggest ones are, get to a size 8 or ten before the summer, Save tons of money and learn how to drive!


Leah December 31, 2011 at 8:17 pm

Choking on my Werther’s Original over the Ryan Gosling reference! Ha! My resolution will be to touch up Jason Momoa, stop being so critical of myself (because great things come from love, not self-criticism) and make it to NY for my honeymoon. Happy New Year! x


Jen December 31, 2011 at 10:00 pm

Can you imagine if you one day randomly bumped into Ryan Gosling?! lol
I definitely need to start getting healthier, start doing more exercise, try to save more money and spend a little less frivolously, stop procrastinating as much and actually try to get more done
Happy New Year Row!!


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