Halloween Ideas: Using Jinny Rainbow’s Jinny Rocks Body Gems

by Row on October 4, 2010 · 1 comment

in General,Make Up,Product Launches

TAGS: Gems • Halloween • Jinny •

I’ve had these Jinny Rocks for a while! I admit I was asking myself what I can do with them…but Halloween coming up so I think it’s the perfect time to use them!


Jinny Rocks comes from the same people who brought up Jinny Tattoos and Jinny Lashes! I’m loving the look of these chunky gems. There’s tons of designs to choose from and you can buy a set for £10.


What kind of look could I do with these gems? I’m thinking Ice Queen!

(see all crystals after the jump)…#alttext##alttext#

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Kitty October 4, 2010 at 11:43 pm

Oooooo they are so pretty yes a snow queen look or a faerie look would be nice!!

Kitty x


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