Friday Night Treat: DHC Olive Eye Care Patch Masks Review

by Row on April 23, 2010 · 4 comments

in Asian Beauty Products,Eyes & Lips,Review,Skincare

TAGS: • eye care • • Olive Oil •

Thank. God. Its. Friday.

Friday Night is Sheet Mask night at my house. Sheet masks are so easy to use and if I need to eat at the same time (need, not want) I pop on a eye mask (because sheet masks for the face are too restrictive).

Although I did once eat a Chicken Korma with a sheet mask on, much to the disgust of Mr Candy – when I took the mask off it was stained mustard-yellow around the mouth cut out. Well, if you don’t try it…

Eye masks are great before a night out, or in the day, or if you’re like me, a night owl. They hydrate and brighten the area around the eye.

My latest purchase is from DHC from their Japanese range (they have quite a basic range on sale here in the UK).

This is called the Olive Eye Care Patch!

DHC Olive Oil Eye care Masks Pads.jpg

They say: With the finest olive essence & other plant extracts as moisturizing ingredients, it efficiently penetrates deep to the skin and provides instant skin nourishment around the eyes, and helps regain the elasticity.

Appparently this eye patch can be worn overnight but I don’t have much faith in that – I sometimes wake up and my bed socks have magically come off, or I had PJs on and I wake up naked, the clothes under the bed. Twilight Zone stuff.

DHC Olive Oil Eye Patch Mask .jpg

Olive Oil of course, rocks! I love eye patches as they are easy to wear and I can get on with my usual business.

I like the jelly texture type ones – they feel thicker than sheet masks and springy. They may also have a fabric backing…You can put this in the fridge first, have a nice cool refreshing treat OR – believe it or not, you can put the foil pack into some warm water. Its actually so relaxing to have something warm around your eyes and temples if you have headaches a lot like me.

DHC Oilve Oil Eye Patch Mask.jpg

You get 5 packs in each box, and of course a pair.

This DHC Olive Eye Care patch is free of any type of scent, they are thick textured and feel cold and wet when applied to the skin – they are not as wet as I thought they’d be.

DHC Olive oil eye patch Mask.jpg

They stick like a dream though – some masks start to dry out quickly (I do kinda toast myself next to a heater a lot) this one stays in place.

In terms of fitting a sheet mask – you don’t need to put it as high up as me and you can position it so you cover more area around the ends of your eye or under the eye etc.

A good shaped eye patch, like this one, covers nearly all the eye area without much struggle any how.

DHC Olive Oil Face Mask .jpg


DHC Olive Oil Eye Mask Eye patch.jpg


I like that it fits well, is hydrating, adheres well to the sin and has some smoothing qualities.

I did find that it exacerbated a dry patch I had about an inch below my lower lashes – it didn’t help it, it made it a little itchy which is not great – I didn’t sense any allergies anywhere else though.

I would try out other types of eye masks before buying this one again although it is a pretty good mask to try out.

I bought mine here (yeah – eBay again) about $10.

Do you use sheet masks or eye masks? If so what brands do you like?

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Carla April 23, 2010 at 4:03 pm

I don’t often comment but I had to cos you made me lol for real :-)

Unfortunately with my pores I have to use Queen Helene Mint Julep mask, so I look like something that recently escaped from a grave. Sheet masks are lovely and relaxing too as opposed to stingy, le sigh.


Quinn August 9, 2010 at 11:42 am

Hey, does it help in lightening the dark eye rings?


Row August 14, 2010 at 11:12 pm

Not really! Just hydrated!


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