UPDATE 06/03/2011:
Commenter Suffchick below rightly points out that you can now buy Leuchtturm1917 notebook in the uk on: www.thepaperie.co.uk and www.papernation.co.uk – the prices are similar (the paperie offers free shipping but it it charges a bit more). However, the Paperie has a much bigger range and more colours to choose from so I have been buying mine from there!
There’s a few things I love to buy – make up, cat toys, books and stationery! I have to many unfilled notebooks buts not even funny (I get told off about it a lot from Mr Candy) but I can’t help it.
A new note book – those crisp smooth pages is like a breath of fresh air, a new beginning. I swear I have some kind of problem – when a notebook is slightly soiled, I discard it.
My latest discovery:
Leuchtturm 1917 does notebooks in lined, plain and squared. The difference between this and Moleskines is that it has a index system and all the pages are numbered (which I discovered AFTER tearing some pages out. Idiot!).
Its an interesting alternative to Moleskine although it isn’t really cheaper. I do think Moleskine has slightly, just slightly, better paper. I bought mine from here (Torquato) – fantastic service, but do be aware although its a .co.uk site it comes from Germany! No taxes for us though, because its in the EU.
Can’t wait to start. I’ve decided to collate all my notes into one book just to document all my day to day goings on.
{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }
I have loads of notebooks and mini pads + cutesy pens I can’t bear to use.. they’re just ornamental to me (i have a problem too) *whistles and looks away* bwhahaha! But I do use a moleskine daily, one black one for random doodle ideas and projects, and one awesome cherry red one for what happened day to day diary ^-^
I use the A4 Pukka Pads for my uni notes and they are the ONLY ones I will ever use. I can only seem to find them in my local Tesco as Asda stopped doing them. I know what you mean about the feeling of opening up a new notebook!
I use random and chep notebooks for daily use and take Moleskines in my trips, a sort of carnets de voyage.
Oooh yes, I do love a good notebook too. And pens. I love proper fountain pens..but do use those four colour bics too. I currently have this gorgeous Kukuxumusu notebook I picked up in an airport (I think) somewhere on my travels…for work. But I do have a weakness for picking up notebooks. Still, at least I don’t buy pens and “bits” all the time like I used to.
I’m not sure if this will work ..but here’s the notebook [img]http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1278/4685498526_67896b8610_m.jpg[/img]
So do you use multiple pads? I am always torn between putting all my notes in one or splitting them up – usually: To Do Book, Blogging, and Writing. I don’t mind if they are moleskin pocket sized any bigger and my bag is like a giant rock!
Looks like Leuchtturm has updated their paper since this review. They now have 90gsm paper in their 5X7 notebooks.
Some of the Leuchtturm1917 books have 100gsm paper too. It’s great because I use a fountain pen and the ink doesn’t feather or bleed. I understand it’s available in the UK now on websites such as Papernation, the Paperie and I think Waterstone’s online are going to be carrying them.
Thanks for the info x