Lips of the Day: Lancome L’Absolu Rouge Lipstick in Rouge Preciosa

by Row on January 16, 2010 · 3 comments

in Eyes & Lips,FOTD,Make Up

TAGS: Lancome • • LOTD • Reds •

Today I need some colour. My face needs some oomph.

Lancome’s L’Absolu Rouge Lipstick in Rouge Preciosa is on my lips and is got a stunning texture, SPF 12 and Pro-Xylane. I don’t know what that is, but I like it!

It looks darker in the tube than it does on my lips…

Lancome Lipstick-3.jpg

I am just having one of those weeks I’m afraid, if my sombre tone comes across in posts, then please accept my virtual Chocolate doughnuts (what, you didn’t get one?). Reading about this little boy lifted my spirits although there is still much sadness there.

Anyway. When the world pisses on you put on a bright lipstick and turn that frown, upside down:

lancome lipstick rouge preciosa.jpg

Yeah, I’m aware my frown has not been turned upside down here, I am trying to prevent wrinkles.

Like the Lancome? Boring? Glam? Too dark? Too light? Tell me in the comments!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Lucy January 16, 2010 at 10:28 pm

I like it! Dark and glamorous but not gothic. Nice.


Jenna January 17, 2010 at 12:19 am

I think that that looks lovely! There is a real depth of colour and I like the subtle but pretty tone without looking too ‘pink’.


mayrei January 19, 2010 at 5:41 pm

Not too dark at all… looks great!


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