Happy 1 Month Baby C!

by Row on October 8, 2012 · 8 comments

in Announcements


I am too excited not to share the fact that Baby Harrison has reached 1 month old (and his party is happening tonight!).  

Even more exciting is that he has graduated from Micro nappies and Tiny Baby/Premature baby clothes to…..NEWBORN!  It’s been a truly intensive month of constant feeding and top ups to make sure he gains weight.  Anyway – that also means I have drawers full of mini clothing he’s worn once! I will definitely do some donating as I found preemie clothes are expensive to buy.  

I am hoping he’ll be chubby enough to fit into his Halloween outfit I bought for him by the end of October. He is great, his only issue at the moment is being very mucus-y, but I am extremely careful about who I allow near him for now in case he picks up any germs, since he is small he needs that little bit more extra care. 

Here is a photo shoot I did when he reached 1 month a few days ago:


Time flies and even though looking after a low birth weight baby is tough, I am taking lots of videos and photos so I don’t forget this special time we have together. 

See his innocent expression? Guess who did a wee shortly after this photo!

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Marianne October 8, 2012 at 3:24 pm

Happy one month Harrison! Lots of cake for mummy and you’ll get a second hand taste of it too :)


Londonmakeupgirl October 8, 2012 at 6:52 pm

He’s so CUTE. Congratulations again.


gio October 8, 2012 at 6:58 pm

He’s adorable! Happy one month Harrison!


Jan October 8, 2012 at 8:22 pm

He is a charmer, love the bow tie. Congratulations on a beautiful month old baby.


Leah October 8, 2012 at 9:01 pm

D’awww! What a cutie. If I was a mum my littlun would never be out of ‘fancy dress’ outfits until they were old enough to tell me to sod off! I hope he fits his Halloween outfit. Congrats!


Alexandra October 9, 2012 at 12:46 am

Awww he is so cutie. Congratulations on his one month of being born :)


Paris B October 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

Happy 1 month, Baby H! Its so fascinating following your baby journey because my sis is just a couple of days behind and my nephew is a handful too! So happy to know he’s turning out well, R!


liloo October 9, 2012 at 8:27 pm

too cute for words. i’ve been showing your piccies to my colleagues at work. I need to stop because they think i am getting broody, grr. he’s just the cutest baby ever x


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