Shiro Cosmetics created this rather snazzy set of Legend of Zelda pigments and I decided we would always be friends.
Then they decided to make Intertubes, extremely cute tubes that sort of do – everything. They are vegan friendly and are lip lip sticks and stains and glosses and balms. Clever things!
There are 10 shades to choose from (lovely swatches if you look at the Shiro Shop) from completely nutty (Robe & Wizard, a bold metallic blue) to totally wearable (Longcat, a sheer shimmery gloss).
I was sensible, honest, and chose 3 shades I thought I would wear – Leeroy Jenkins, a purple based pink, Rickrolled, a ginger and Numa Numa, a gold.
I know who Rick Astley is, because I was a child of the 80s, tortured by my aunt, a die hard fan who would play his lame music over and over. Leeroy Jenkins I don’t know (my concierge is called Leeroy so this is for nostalgic reasons).
I like the shape. Reminds me of something that crawls out of the ground and sucks you up through the middle like in in Tremors.
The shades look a bit scary in the tubes, let’s face it.
They are flavoured – Leeroy is Spearmint, Rickrolled is Ginger and Numa Numa is Butter Rum. They’re quite nice flavours, nothing horrible or overbearing about them.
I kinda like these even though they are a bit off and some of the colours are completely off the wall, but that’s what makes it unique.
Numa is a highly wearable soft gold, rickrolled is right up my street because I love orange and it’s very pigmented too and Leeroy is just fun – it’s borderline mad-woman purple-lilac, thankfully, I wore it with a simple eye and looked sane. Just.
Intertubes are $6.50 each or $55 for the whole set!
Visit Shiro Cosmetics here.
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You don’t know who Leeeeeeeeeeeeroy Jenkinsssssssssss is?
Shame on you.
Charlene, you geek
Yay! I definitely love Shiro and the intertubes
Hi Phyrra
Yay I really like the creativity of Shiro to be honest (cosmetics that is I know Shiro isn’t a person..I think!?)
Ooooh I love the look of these Interlubes, wasn’t expecting them to be so pigmented! I like the fact that they are multi-purpose too, a bit like the Eyeko fatbalms. Would love to see some looks of how you’ve used them
Now, if they had a milk-tea type colour, I would be ordering straight away lol
This is relevant to my interests!
Hi D
I need you to know this comment freaked me out at first! Because this is a special thing me & the Mr C say to each other all the time!
In other words I thought you were a stalker
Infact you might be….
Wow, those are much more pigmented than I thought they’d be. Very nice.
As for Leeroy Jenkins, if you’re at all nerdy, I suggest you may want to Google it. Or go to YouTube. It’s WoW related.
Hi Shari
I googled it and finally understood it (after ages!). Hilarious! I love Leeroy!
re: Leeroy Jenkins on YouTube, full system volume is optional, but highly recommended
I watched it D, made me laugh!!!!! But it did take a few views to get it! x
I’m creeped out by my own status here that I could be a stalker. In that case, I must do the creep! (Hint: The Lonely Island, John Waters, YouTube)