Miss Candy does not gush. The last time I gushed over something it was a thick cut piece of gammon with some chunky cut chips and an egg sunny side up. Mmmmm. Whoops, turning into Homer Simpson again.
So let me present to you this Bond Girl gift set from Beauté Cosmetics, a Canadian brand. The brainchild behind the brand is Beau Nelson, a make up artist to the celebrities – I used to follow him in the old Make Up Alley days and marvel at his posts about doing make up for people like Iman, Queen Rania etc.

Anyway this is the Bond Girl Set which comes in a pretty gift box. It contains a Luminous Volume Gloss in Heroine (A sheer nude type mauve/plum) and Harlot Liqui-Gel Stain, a dark reddish berry.
Here is the gloss:

Its a sheer gloss with a rich, not too stick texture. Its kind of pretty, and wearable:

On the lips:

The Liqui-Gel Stain – this is, well, a stain and can be used on cheeks and lipst:

I love the idea behind stains, I really do, because I like multi use items. However I have used a stain I liked – Not Benetint, Not Posietint, Not The Body Shop Tint…all too sheer, all too drying on the lips.
So when I saw this one I wasn’t sure especially as the colour is so dark. Really not my cup of tea:

But holy crap – when its applied its beautiful. Its simply beautiful. On the lips or on the cheeks. Its pigmented even with just one layer and when it dries, non of that nasty crusting.
Two layers (I said one earlier, I meant 2):

The longer I wore this (and it really stays put) the more I liked it even though I am not one for dark colours. Its totally wearable and so pretty.
With the gloss on top:

It sheers the tint out a bit and adds a bit of Bond Girl eh eh eh eh! I think its the perfect paring. Ooh I’m gushing. I really like it! Totally reminded me of Cle De Peau in terms of instant woah factor.
Worn on the cheek:

This is one layer (albeit a generous one) – again I think it works well, it doesn’t just disappear into nothing like other cheek tints do.
I love this. I love it. I never tell you to go out and buy anything do I? Well if you like multi use make up like me you need to try one of the Liqui Tints. There are 4 colour choices (I need Neon & Flouron!)
Can’t wait to try more from this range (probably the Weightless Lip Cremes at some point). A gorgeously presented range and fab fab fab products. Ooh I’m gushing again and there isn’t any gammon in sight!
You can see the range here.
{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }
This is very lovely. I really like the gloss. I didn’t expect it to look so natural.
On the cheeks it’s very bright though. Looks like a cotton candy explosion. Maybe it will blend in better to a darker skin tone?
Please please get the Weightless Lip Creme in Masochist, so I can live vicariously through you! Haha!
I love beauté. Finally something easily accessible for us canucks.
Absolutely gorgeous! So do they deliver to the UK then? Cos that combo looks amazing on your lips!
wow I love it! The colour is amazing, so tempted to order
wow, looks fantastic on you! Hrm… Maybe once I clear out some room in my makeup stash
I’d love to purchase some of their products (specially lip glosses and lip creme) but here we have a lot of problems with customs. For us Italians is a pain in the butt tu buy from outside Europe. Hope Beauté might reach Euro market soon.
@Nina I saw lip creme in Masochist in a pixiwoo’s video on youtube: I’m in love with it!
Oh my god — that stain looks AMAZING! I wish my lips were hydrated enough to wear stains, but at the moment I can barely even pull of lipstick :/ Living in the prairies really takes a toll on your lips!
This is gorgeous! Is there any way to get it in the UK?
Hi Jo!
Order from the official site, they will send to the uk! x
Hi Wow your lips look amaazing! Just found out you can now buy beaute from a UK site. Cocobeau.co.uk. My friend was emailed by Beaute. The wait was worth it. I’m in lipstick heaven!