I have a list of products, items that I’ve wanted to buy for a while but I am totally willing to wait for. A few weeks ago I decided to order Miss Popularity, a highlighter wand type contraption from StrawberryNet for £10 (on sale).
I do love a Benefit invention:

Benefit say:
Turn up your “all that” appeal with miss popularity. All you need is our new precision highlighter in all the right places and you’re “all that” just like that. This soft white shimmering highlighter makes it so easy.
Blah blah blah, how do you use it?
For bright eyes… apply to the triangle of the eyes & blend. Perk up your smile… apply to the outer corners of lips & blend. Slimify your nose… apply 3 dots down the middle & blend. To enhance cleavage… apply above your bra line and bend.

This is basically a cute little jar or white highlighting powder. Basically. It comes with a rounded sponge applicator:

I must confirm that I prefer liquid highlighters generally, over powder but I am willing to give this a go.
I like the sponge applicator, its pointy but not too pointy – although there is still fall out. Its not like
you can tap this product off back into the jar.

Swatched – the product is not a stark white – its slightly off white, it almost has a light goldish edge, I think, and shimmer. Its a nice texture – creamy, soft, easy to use:

Yeah I like this product, I am sure I will use it if I remember too. But then there’s the issue of value. At £17.50 (full retail price) its just too much (I knew there was a reason I put off buying it).
You only get 2 grams of powder (half of it will be lost in fall out heaven) and here are the ingredients to this powder:

£17.50? For some Mica and Titanium Dioxide? Hmmmm hmmmm hmmmm hmmmmm. If you lived on the moon you would be able to hear my grumble. Oh, but it comes in a nice box!
You can buy Miss Popularity here, its ON SALE for £11.55p.
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I’ve started looking a lot closer at ingredients for cosmetics and skincare items, because I’ve started to realize some of this stuff is super basic and could be made at home for a fraction of the cost.