Hurrah! It’s Friday! How about another giveaway to keep you going?
Today I have 5 products from Fake Bake for ONE winner.
You will get:
1 x Original Self Tan Lotion
1 x Flawless Self Tan Lotion
1 x Wash Off Bronzer
1 x Body Polish
1 x Shimmer Medium Instant Tan Lotion
Wanna win?
Method 1.
Answer the following question:
What’s the worst news you had this week?
What’s the best news you had this week?
Worst News: That someone was trying to get one over on me…had me perplexed and clenching the jaw for the whole day!
Best News: Moving on to pastures new.
Method 2.
Follow me on Twitter and retweet (RT) the following message:
“RT @cosmetic_candy: Follow & RT to win a 5pc Fake Bake Set. Info:″
*Note: if you change the tweet, it will not count as an entry.
Good Luck!
Winner announced in 2 weeks.
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Worst- a few of my friends told me they couldn’t make it to my birthday meal and only four people cold make it ! Imwas devastated
Best- it’s my birthday today and I thought I wasn’t getting any presents because I went over loads on my contract and I go lots of presents wooo!
The best news I had this week was that I got paid a good bonus at work so now I can afford to get my kitchen tiled!
Worst news: I lost my job last Monday and now I wont be able to go on holiday , my first holiday for 4 years.
Best News. I still have the emergency electric left on my key
worst news had an unexpected bill of £1600, they forgot to send invoices from year 2009-present day – great !!!
best news only 21 days till baby is due
Worst News: Not going to be able to buy a house for a while
Best News: I’m doing great in my new job
Worst news – (courtesy of the mirror…) I really am getting old an it shows

Best news – a new haircut really can take years off you!
The worse news I had this week was that Nate Dogg had died. The best news I had was getting the all clear from my hospital tests.
Worst – I can’t move house for another week
Best – My sister is moving back from Scotland!
My worst news is ………that I still don’t have an essay title for an essay that is due in uni soon so I have no idea what I’m doing!!! Wasting my days doing other stuff then I’ll prolly have a panic on trying to finish it when my tutor finally gets me a title!!
My good news…..was given to me by a spiritual healer at the BSSK Mind, Body and Spirit Fair (in Manchester) on Saturday 19th March…She told me I will make an amazing teacher
Best news this week is I’ve been accepted on a teacher training course. Worse news is my glandular fever isn’t getting much better.
worst news this week ive damaged the joint between hip n back good news ive lost another 2lb
worset news – My two flowergirl dresses came and my daughters is totally different to the other
Good news – My uncle from australlia is able to make my wedding day
Worst news : My best friends idiot boyfriend dumped her
Best news : My husband got me an early birthday present of flights to go see her in Amsterdam
worst news, brought fake bake this saturday and then see i could win it lol.
good news, won on the euro millions this firday i am £55 pounds better off.
Worst news: I have to do one more term paper and it’s on Shakespeare! (I love that guy so much!)
Best News: I’ve been exempted in our final exam since my grades are high!
worst news – Japanese disaster.
best news: my boyfriend bought me a laptop.
worst news: hearing about more devestation in japan
best news: my friends coming to see me from france
Worst News = I didn’t get that job =o(
Best News = My brother and his Mrs are expecting a baby =o)
I was a year older today(worst)
My friend in Japan is safe(best)
Worst: 4p in my account
Best: None
Worst news: That my 2yr old daughter had fallen off a sofa at her dad’s, hit the coffee table and bit through her lip and they were on the way to hospital.
Best news: She’s still got all her teeth!!!
worst news : the japan tsunami
best news: sprimg breaak and got a new kitty
Worst news: the news from Japan. I know it’s not affecting me personally but it still hurts to see it
Best news: my best friend (who I see maybe once/twice a year) has free time and can come and visit me for a whole weekend very soon!
The worst news is my friend was too ill to come out for my birthday
The best news is yesterday I got a surpise party thrown for me!
Worst News – More rejection emails for jobs
Best News – My sister has found somewhere of her own to stay (major relief for her and family!)
Worst news – It’s Wednesday already
Best News – My 11 year old telling me she thinks she’s going to get a good report. Phew
Worst new ive had this week……..That at the age of 25 i may never have children again (have a 2 year old daughter thank god) and will be undergoing alot of tests including laparscopic ovarian drilling over the next few months
Best news…..Im still waiting for some good news
Best news: I won a holiday!
Worst news: I can’t go as it has to be taken before the 1st May!
worst news – my sil has got to see docs about her pregnancy
Best news – my friend will be having a girl!
Worst News .. . . .Its going to get cooler this weekend
Best News . . . Pub friday!
Worst News – I will be losing 2 days holiday entitlement from work
Best News – My 2nd Grandchild is on the way
Worst news – My grandma is not coming out of hospital this week

Best news – we have booked our wedding!
Worst news: Glamorgan rejected my university application =(
Best news: I got ‘slimmer of the week’ award from my local slimming group… it was confidence boost I needed, and I feel great for it!
What’s the worst news you had this week?
Have to do the garden!
What’s the best news you had this week?
Booking our holidays
Best news this week – the weather
Worst news this week – it’s going to turn for the weekend
Best News is being awarded full custody of my daughter
Worst News is having to tell her that her Dad couldnt even be bothered to turn up to arrange contact with her
What’s the worst news you’ve had this week?
That my little nephew was suffering badly with chicken pox! : (
What’s the best news you’ve had this week?
That my free sky that I won in a competition will be installed next week!! : )
The worst news I had this week was that Supernatural would not be airing, because Smallville season final was two hours. The Best news was that Smallville was awesome and Excellent.
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