I get asked this question all the time so it’s time to put it in a blog post!
Where can I buy Japanese or Korean or Taiwanese make up?
First of all eBay.
I’ve bought a huge amount of Asian cosmetics from eBay over the years so I’ve probably bought from most of the prominent sellers on there!
The biggest problems with buying cosmetics from eBay is:
1. Authenticity
2. Shipping Prices
3. General trustworthyness
Anyway here are sellers that I have bought from more than 3 times.
They sell mainly Korean make up and some Japanese – in terms of Japanese make up my no. 1 stop is still Adambeauty.com because the prices are good, the shipping is cheap ($2 per order – yes I know the price of shipping is incorporated into the product but I prefer that rather than having some shocking shipping amount added at the end).1. Seller: Zinopark
I’ve bought from him for a while, he has good prices, he combines shipping and is friendly and helpful. He also has a nice selection of cosmetics and BB creams if that’s what you like!
Mainly sells Skinfood and Etude House.
He would be my no. 1 recommendation for Korean make up on eBay.
2. Seller: 031tansango
I recommend this seller for one off type things – he has some unusual products from brands like Banilla Co. but I wouldn’t buy too much as the shipping get pricey. Otherwise they are trustworthy.
Sells a mixture of brands and the more high end stuff like Banilla Co, Clio and Hera.
3. Seller: needmoreanime
Another good seller, good for bits and bobs from Missha and Innisfree. Shipping is fast too. Some items have free shipping some cost a few pounds I think it depends on the weight but this seller is very nice and gives a lot of samples away too (but please, don’t expect….)
4. Seller: rubyruby76
I get a stupid amount of questions about this one seller because she offers low prices and free shipping on most things. I will say that my reaction is mixed – on one hand she has everything, like a massive selection and good prices.
Then again I’ve had packages delivered with missing items then maybe in a week or so the other item appears. I’ve also had dried out mousse shadows from her and a crusty lipstick. Because they are so busy, they rarely reply to emails and questions.
However I do believe their items are genuine despite the low prices.
So it’s up to you to weigh up the pros and cons where this one is involved!
5. Alphabeautyuk
I’ve used some of these sellers for so long like Alphabeautyuk. I can’t say I haven’t had my run ins with them but overall, they are a really good seller. A massive selection, decent prices and they always combine shipping so it’s reasonable.
They deserve kudos for a package that went missing recently – I had waited so long it had gone past the time I could claim my money back – I was quite upset! One email to them and they refunded me immediately even though they could’ve got away with it so kudos to them.
Oh shipping can be amazingly fast (3 days) or slow (2 weeks) it depends. Hong Kong post are AMAZING. When something goes missing or is slow…it’s usually a problem closer to home.
A little note of shipping:
I have to say, that I find that getting stuff from Korea takes longer than from Hong Kong. I don’t believe that is the sellers fault – most get the stuff posted out as soon as, it’s just that I don’t think our postal system (Royal Mail) isn’t up to much.
If you actually track a recorded package out of Korea it’s amazing – you can see what flight it boarded at what time! Once it gets to the UK it’s down to Royal Mail and I have had a few trackable packages land into the UK then disappear forever.
It is down to our dopey customs to sort out once it arrives in the UK so don’t be so mad at a seller when they have clearly done their job but for some reason RM can’t just do their job.
Other places to buy:
I don’t really shop on Gmarket – unnecessarily complicated and I can’t be bothered to learn, nor do I use stores like Bobodave.com (too many fees and charges) or Ichibankao.com (high mark ups IMO).
I rarely use Sasa.com because if I go over £18 I WILL get charged customs fees and I hear good things about MihokoShop.com, but once again unless I plan to do a big spend (over¥20,000 (£150) for free EMS shipping) I don’t see the point when adambeauty.com is cheaper overall – although Mihoko has some brands Adam doesn’t like Addiction and Anna Sui.
So there are a few of my recommendations. As always you shop at your own risk and use your common sense when buying.
Happy Bank Holiday Weekend! Don’t spend too much!
{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }
you have done a service unto mankind. I salute you. And also blame you.
I have bought from all those sellers except needmoreanime and Zinopark! I live in the States and I usually get my packages 5-7 days after they’re shipped. I am so addicted to Asian cosmetics now that I’ve become sort of a snob towards anything else…le sigh.
New follower here ~ thank you so much for this!! I will be checking these sellers out
Btw what are your thoughts on Sasa.com?
You’re such an Enabler!! This gives me even more excuses to buy (like I don’t buy enough as it is!). Thanks for the heads up on the ebay sellers though, I’m always a bit weary of getting ripped off on ebay
The cat is the first pic is sooooooooo cute!!!
lmfao the first cat picture is awesomee
You’re making my saving-for-a-car plan very very hard!!! Saved 2 of the sellers though I have already spent my birthday money and wages in my head! Roll on pay-day and birthday
the 1st seller zino is from malaysia? just careful with ebay.my coz there is no fees on listing >.<
yeah how about sasa? do u like them?
xoxo elle
I liken you to the middle man of crack deal. You don’t supply but just lead us to the goods. I had a feeling Royal Mail was shite, I sent something to Australia and Japan last week and it got there in 5 days. My cousin has sent me something from the States weeks ago and I still haven’t recieved it.
I agree about how slow overseas packages take to reach the UK. And the customs fees are cruel. It’s something like £8 for going over £18 right? D: I also wish I could use places like SASA and gmarket but paying £10+ for shipping just seems insane and really not worth it . I’m just a student, I barely have the money to buy the skincare and cosmetics in the first place XD Anyway I buy mainly from adambeauty (for Japanese) and ebay (for Korean). I have used a couple of the sellers you mention. I love alphabeauty and have never had any problems with rubyruby.