My skin has been very dry of late – very dry and I was looking for a foundation that had more coverage than a tinted moisturiser, but could also keep me hydrated.
Well I found it! Clinique’s Supermoisture Make Up!

They say:
Ultra-creamy yet refreshingly lightweight formula goes beyond flaw-fixing, acting as skin’s undercover moisture agent for a dewy look. Disguises unevenness with sheer-to-moderate coverage. Instantly puts drier skins at ease. Skin looks soft and radiant all day.
Everything about this foundation does remind me of a moisturiser as opposed to a base. To apply, I rubbed it in with my fingers with no streaks or difficulty blending in.

Yes – this feels very very comfortable on dry skin. Its got an emollient feel, that’s almost glossy.
Having not bought from Clinique in a while, I didn’t realise that they had so many shades – 10 to be exact. I chose 10 Beige.

It rubbed in and my skin felt much much better to be honest and the coverage was about sheer – medium – better than I expected it to be. The hydrated feeling lasted all day too so I was very please to find this product.
The finish on the skin is very dewy:

Now – a few key things.
1. This foundation is for dry – very dry skin. If you have normal or oily skin, its going to be too much. DRY SKIN.
2. The result from this foundation is very dewy, glowy, and on some people, almost like a shimmer glow. Thus – use a light light dusting of powder on top!
I found that even with my dry skin, a light dusting of loose powder made a big difference, otherwise its a little bit too dewy for my liking.
Overall, I loveeee this. Its a very hydrating foundation, and I will use it until my skin is over the flakies.
You can buy it here for £20.
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