Video: Audrey Hepburn Look on YouTube

by Row on November 11, 2009 ·

in Videos

TAGS: Beauty Exchange • Looks • Videos •

Love this video! Doing dramatic eyeliner is hard on Asian eyes as it is, this video makes it look quite easy. A few pointers -

1. The video is in Mandarin, I think. I don’t understand it either, but you don’t need to understand it, watch with your eyes!

2. I wish I knew what black powder/liner he used, its such a true, deep, gorgeous black.

3. Model could do with some threading, if you know what I mean.


{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

tracy November 11, 2009 at 8:33 pm

hey, he used everything from Nars, i think Nars is sponsering or something, that artist’s been using stuff from Nars in his videos for a while now. : )

Katherine November 12, 2009 at 12:35 am

It looks like he’s using NARS Night Breed eye shadow- a black with silver glitter shadow. It really is a gorgeous black. The Nightlife Collection eye shadows are some of my absolute favorite from NARS.

Ashley November 12, 2009 at 12:38 am

OH MY MOUSTACHE! Why doesn’t she wax her upper lip or something?! That was NOT attractive… I literally touched my upper lip to check for fuzz LOL.
I agree with the other two comments, he must be using Nars. Or atleast with the eyeshadow because the packaging just screamed Nars. I really liked how it all came out but hated how he tugged on her eyelids… & I think his Tweezers were knock-off Tweezerman’s (I could be blind).
I never thought of overlapping false eyelashes… nifty tutorial :)

MandyP November 12, 2009 at 3:08 am

The title states ‘Audrey Hepburn’, but the results scream ‘Zhang Ziyi”! Don’t get me wrong: the model’s porn-stache is an interesting take on the whole Audrey Hepburn (or is it ‘Oddly Heartburn’; I can’t really tell, with that accent) look, but I’d much rather have seen a recreation of Anna Mae Wong, or any number of actresses who haven’t been emulated unto death.

Jan November 12, 2009 at 7:53 am

errkkk makeup ok, model yuk

sue November 12, 2009 at 5:38 pm

I thought he was using Nars too from the eye shadow packaging. I totally love her lip colour! I wish they would list what products was used in the video :/

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