Twitter Recommends: PanOxyl Aqua Gel Spot Treatment Review

by Row on October 6, 2010 ·

in Review,Skincare

TAGS: Acne • Pharmacy Goods • Spots •

I get spots occasionally, sometimes a few little manageable ones and sometimes a giant painful stonker of a spot.

I really like Mario Badescu Drying Lotion and other spot treatments I have used are ok but I have yet to find a ‘killer’ product that knocks spots dead. The Cillit Bang of spot creams.

Twitter spoke to me and recommended PanOxyl, an over the counter product for spots (Over the counter means something you have to go to the Pharmacy and ask for).

I always feel like they look at me suspiciously when I ask for things at the Pharmacy counter. Anyway here it is:


The lady asked me if I wanted it in 2.5%, 5%, or 10%.

What’s the difference? I asked

The numbers, she replied.

With these words of wisdom ringing in my head, I went for 10% because I am just like that, then she asked me if I wanted Gel or Cream.

What’s the difference? I asked

One is Gel, one is Cream, she said.

Ask a stupid question…


So I went for gel and I went for 10% which is the strength. Might as well go for 10%!

This stuff is seriously good value.

You get 40g which is a hefty tube (like what you’d get Savlon in) and it only cost £3.55 which is a lot cheaper than other mainstream spot treatments.

Because this stuff contains Benzoyl Peroxide, one has to be careful with fabric etc. it can bleach it (I wonder if it can do that too the skin with regular application? Hmmm apply on the affected area only, folks).

So the Gel still looks like a cream to me, the texture is light and it’s easy to end up with too much!


Used this on a giant spot on my forehead and it got rid of it in 3 days. Not too bad – not drop dead amazing but still pretty good for what would’ve been a 2 week blighter.

I did notice that this made my skin peel – perhaps in that sense a lower strength cream would’ve avoided this but nevermind – its easy enough to pick flaking skin off!

So will I be buying this again? Do I recommend it?

Yes I do! I think it’s really affordable, I think it works well, certainly as well as any other expensive spot cream I have tried recently so I will be repurchasing although this tube is going to last forever and ever.

Buy this where there is a pharmacy and a knowledgable counter assistant.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Nat October 6, 2010 at 11:37 pm

Sounds great, I’d love to give it a try but where did you buy yours from? My local boots only have it for prescriptions only :( thanks, nx

Rachel October 7, 2010 at 12:05 pm

Think I was one of them who recommended this on Twitter! I use the 2.5% one and it doesn’t dry out my skin at all.

Jen October 7, 2010 at 12:35 pm

Nat, you should be able to ask your local Boots to order it for you as an over-the-counter product, as it shouldn’t be a prescription-only product.
And I agree with Rachel, I would personally go for the lower strength 2.5%, and work my way up to a higher strength if necessary. This can lessen local irritation and flakiness as it gives the skin chance to get use to it.
There’s 3 different formulations: Acnegel (alcohol-based), Aquagel (water-based) and cream (emulsion formula). I usually go for the Aquagel as it is the lighter formulation and is water-based so less harsh to the skin than the Acnegel.

Nat October 7, 2010 at 1:40 pm

Thanks, have just been into boots and managed to get some, I got the lowest strength aquagel as that’s all they had but they were willing to order a stronger one if I wanted. Maybe I just got the wrong salesperson last time!

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