Special Announcement: Do you notice anything different about me?

by Row on August 3, 2012 · 20 comments

in Announcements


When I’ve asked that question, the answer is pretty much the same each time;

“Well your breasts look huge. I mean, really huge”.

To which I reply, “Where have you been? They’ve always been huge”…

But I digress…

Expecting a baby photo

Can you see? 

No ignore my visible bra straps. There’s a Baby Candy in there!

Today (Friday!) I will be 32 weeks pregnant (8 Months). I am sure that the more observant of you (ie. Twitter followers) may have guessed but this is really, genuinely the first time I’ve felt ready to blog about it. 

Why have I kept quiet for so long? Well, I am really not one for weekly bump updates (although I’ve enjoyed reading other peoples) as pregnancy is a very private thing to me, and also I am very, very superstitious and I am not one to assume that everything will be ok until the little one is born.  

Once the baby is born safe and well, I will of course, shout it from the rooftops!

Also, everyone keeps telling me that they can barely tell – the above picture accentuates the bump, but in my normal day to day wear, with a loose jumper I look like I could’ve eaten too many kebabs. Plus I’ve not gone puffy in the face or anything, and up until 30 weeks I only put on 4lbs. (The last 2 weeks, however, is another story!). 

Ok, so what else do I need to mention from the last few months? Can I finally fill out one of those pregnancy quiz things?!

Google Image Result for http www thepetproductguru com wp content uploads 2012 05 cat and baby jpg

Pregnancy Symptoms

Are different for everyone. I have had every symptom you can imagine, but they come and go in a week. I like to think that it’s because the baby wants me to experience new things. So this includes:

Sickness & Nausea

Itchy Skin

Aching gums

Carpal Tunnel Symdrome


Leg Swelling


Sore Boobs




Inability to breathe….

And some other unmentionable ones. 

Other than this Baby Candy has been a really nice baby to carry, he or she hasn’t given me much grief considering the sheer amount of things I’ve had to do this year (although he/she is currently practising Judo in there – I think it’s payback for behaving so much earlier on). 

Everyone is different – I personally have found just getting on with it helps – I always felt better once I was in work doing stuff then at the weekends when I moped about in bed feeling ill. 

Weight Gain

Minimal until the last 2 weeks. Just 4lbs but I have been indulgent recently and had crisps and McDonalds when I fancied it. It’s not too bad as most of the time I just crave fruit – during the first 12 weeks this is all I ate and my teeth ached from the acid from the oranges. 

My cravings have been: Elderflower cordial, citrus fruits, strawberries and cream, vine leaves, McDonalds Apple Pie, lipton ice tea, salt and vinegar Discos.

Maternity Clothes

Essentials for me were maternity tights (most of them are rubbish, always rolling down as I walked, go for Marks & Spencers ones, no messing. They stay up).  Topshop is my favourite place for denim and maternity leggings, ASOS ones are really bad for sticking to cat hair and anything jersey tends to stretch out to fit a bump anyway!  

Those Freedom stretch bras are ok for at home wear for growing boobs but realistically if you have large chi-chis, they won’t do much. A wireless bra is more comfortable. Once again I haven’t bought tons of bras and things as I don’t know how the sizing will go in the future!


Has been very sensitive – I am using Avene which is just a god send and some MAC cream. I want to try some Caudalie next as they have a whitening range which is safe for pregnant women (without retinol or vitamin A). 

I have got loads of pregnancy skincare type things and oils for my belly – I will review these at some point. So far no stretch marks which is amazing as the women in my family are very prone to them and hyperpigmentation in pregnancy. 


Getting worse and worse – that’s all you need to know! 

I am working for another 5 weeks so – wish me luck. I am already exhausted, and the house is no where near ready and there’s lots of other things going on. I wish I said I was leaving earlier now so I could get things done! 

Missing Anything?

I’ve been drinking decaf tea and coffee, which doesn’t quite have a kick to it and have moved to 7up for my fizzy as it’s caffeine free.  I haven’t had any frozen yoghurs or yo-fros (which is tragic as they’ve opened up a new one near where I work), soft cheeses like feta, raw fish or smoked fish etc. since January. Once I’ve given birth I want a Sashimi platter with a wedge of feta cheese!


We didn’t find out which is tradition in my family. I had a wobble at 27 weeks because there are some amazing baby sales out there but everything is so gender specific! But we stuck to our guns – there are very little true surprises left in life so we decided this should be one of them.

Baby Shower

No, someone tried to organise a get together but I am seriously too superstitious to celebrate when the baby isn’t even here yet – personal preference of course! In Chinese culture you celebrate the baby when it gets to 1 month old with a party so that is what we’ll be doing. 


I stated Pregnancy Yoga a few weeks ago at the Buddhist centre which is pricer than the local venues but it’s amazing. I am really not one for exercise classes, and I despised Bikram Yoga but I absolutely love Pregnancy Yoga.  They also bring in some meditation and relaxation at the end of the class and it really helps me clear my mind, especially as there is so much going on. 

Best Moments so Far:

The scans – always the scans, they’re amazing and I know the san pictures seem to irritate the hell out of some people but when it’s yours, seriously, it’s just the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen! Especially at the start when you think your body is playing tricks on you and you aren’t really pregnant! 

Also finding the heartbeat for the first time using a home doppler – we couldn’t find it at all then as soon as it hit 12 weeks, it was there clear as a bell. Feeling the first movements is amazing too especially that definitive kick, the one you can distinguish from a fart building up…

That is is really! Baby Candy has been a really good passenger and I think I’ll miss being pregnant with him or her! 

It all feels quite surreal as time has passed so quickly since we first found out and although I can’t wait to meet him/her I also am very aware that I have tons to do so if they could hold on until the actual due date…I’d be much obliged  :)  

If anyone has any useful mama tips let me know – we haven’t picked a buggy yet, or a cot, and we haven’t packed a hospital bag either. I figured when I finally start my maternity leave I can actually start to get stuff done. Just a few more weeks of madness until then……

Happy Friday!

{ 20 comments… read them below or add one }

Nazia @ MascaraMagic! August 3, 2012 at 1:50 pm

I KNEW you were expecting! There have been little hints here and there – I think the latest one was not being able to eat feta cheese.

Congratulations Row, I’ll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed that everything goes smoothly <3


Charlie August 3, 2012 at 2:42 pm

Huge congratulations xx


Steph August 3, 2012 at 2:56 pm

I just looked at this and, weirdly, I also have had cravings for elderflower cordial and salt and vinegar crisps! (I’m 27 weeks pregnant.) I can’t bear tea though! Congratulations!


Claire August 3, 2012 at 2:59 pm

I’ve been thinking for a few months now I’d missed the big announcement because of the twitter hints! Good on you keeping it a secret for so long. Congratulations!


baby in a corner August 3, 2012 at 3:42 pm

Massive congrats!!


Sarah S. August 3, 2012 at 6:10 pm

Ohoho! I just knew it! Not from looking at you, or anything, though ;) I guessed from twitter and other hints. Well, I’m half as far along as you but I’ve already gained 15 lbs. (about a stone?) so count yourself lucky :D Major congratulations :D


Shari August 3, 2012 at 6:38 pm

Congratulations! A wedding and a baby in short order, what a year for you two! :) So very exciting, sounds as though pregnancy has treated you well. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes equally well!


Mollance August 3, 2012 at 6:39 pm

Big congrats xxx

If I had time to think, there’d be a ton of what is/isn’t useful, but for the mo can only think of the one item. Muslin clothes. As a baby they were great to throw over yourself to catch the puke, line pushchairs, cot, pram to catch the puke. Double as bibs, flannel, blanket (when still teeny baby). My son is nearly 3 and he still uses them as his comforter (his cwtchy), I couldn’t be without them still.


Mollance August 3, 2012 at 6:42 pm

*cloths not clothes. Although, if you any good at sewing, sure you could do summat, lol.


Jesss August 3, 2012 at 6:43 pm

Congratulations! Hope everything goes well with the rest of your pregnancy and I’m looking forward to seeing your little one! :)


gio August 3, 2012 at 6:45 pm

Major congratulations!


Bigfashionista August 3, 2012 at 6:49 pm

Oh WOW!!!


Too many exclamation marks!!!!!!!

I don’t care!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Kim August 3, 2012 at 6:50 pm

Congratulations!! Hope everything goes well with the birth. Looking forward to seeing baby Candy! X


Sirvinya August 3, 2012 at 8:04 pm

Aaaahhh!!!! Congratulations!!


Kassandra August 3, 2012 at 9:29 pm

Congratulations :) had the feeling you were for a while but wasn’t sure :) amazing xxx


Raquel August 3, 2012 at 9:44 pm

Congrats Row :)


Lizz August 3, 2012 at 9:51 pm

Awww that’s amazing!
You have been a busy lady :) congrats!!


Kitty August 4, 2012 at 12:03 am

AHHHHHH, oh my god congratulations!! This is so exciting, so happy for you and Mr C!!

Kitty xx


Alexandra August 4, 2012 at 2:40 am

When they tell you to bring something for the baby to wear and a nappy to the delivery suite. Take two nappies.My son filled his nappy before we even left the delivery suite.And the midwife had to run around and find one. With labour expect the worse and you will be pleasantly suprised. I got abit high on the gas n air.You dont really need a changing table, just a changing mat and you can change baby on the floor.
Dont bother getting many new born baby clothes,they grow so quick. If you have a chance go to a local carboot sale they are brilliant for baby clothes and other things. My baby will be 18 years old on the 29th of september. Enjoy every moment they grow up so fast.Congratulations to you both :)


Tali August 5, 2012 at 4:40 pm

I suspected from the tweets but like you I am uber supersticious. I find it a bit weird how some women blog about it from day 1!!!

You will be a fantastic mother and I am so so happy for you!!! :) ))))))

I don’t have advice of my own as I have no baby.. but in my family they give babies milk diluted with warm water at night and then gradually just warm water. The baby doesn’t then wake up at night as warm water isn’t worth waking up for!!

Cant wait to hear more when the little one arrives!!!


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