A few weeks ago I made an honest man of Mr C after 7 and a half years together. We had originally decided to get married last December and toyed around with different dates. We always knew we’d get married one day, but with so many things going on it’s always a challenge to coordinate everything.
Once we started the process of planning though, we somehow managed to organise the whole wedding in around 12 weeks. It can be done!
Our wedding day was small and intimate, which is how we wanted it (we would’ve eloped but decided to have a smallish do so our families could be there) and we chose to be in London as it’s a particularly exciting and vibrant city in 2012.
It was actually really sweet as we walked to some landmarks to have our photographs taken, people stopped to congratulate us!
Also, it was those weeks when we had none stop downpour and I 100% expected rain (I even bought a bridal brolly) and what happened? Not a single drop. The sun actually shone brightly with a lovely breeze in the air. Thanks for that one, man in the sky.
Anyway, here are a few photographs. The talented people who helped us along are mentioned at the end of the post.
I got a hairdresser, a lady called Candice Sweeney to do my hair as I knew I couldn’t handle it myself. She did a good job and my hair more or less stayed up all day! I didn’t mind doing my own make up but it’s definitely worth practising before (I didn’t have time to practise in the end although I had a rough idea of what I would use!).
Candice also did my flower girl’s hair – see her hair? Has never been cut and she’s nearly 4!
There she is again – her bouquet (made up of pink majolica spray roses) was amazing the cutest thing I have ever seen:
My flowers were amazing too – I never knew carrying a bouquet could be so much fun and seriously one of the saddest thoughts I had on the day is that I’ll never get to carry one around again!
My bouquet was a mixture of Akito Roses, Freesias and white trit lowers. The finish and detail was amazing.
A rare group photo of my attractive lot:
Remember Megan, star of YouTube? She did a reading for us and did so, so well considering I only told her the night before .
I never really thought that pink would be my wedding colour theme, but it just ended up that way. It is very hard finding dresses for a 11, 17 and 26 year old that match!
My hair comb is from Etsy and I loved it. My lashes were done the day before by Teresa at I Love Lash and they looked FIERCE on the day! I could not have coped with trying to apply falsies on the morning of the big day.
Bloody confetti throwers – my lot were VERY VIOLENT with the confetti, my mother bombed my face with half a pack of confetti so much that I couldn’t see a damn thing and the mother in law came over and tipped the contents of a box down the back of my dress so that when I took my dress of in the evening, it would go everywhere! (Yes it did, it was even in my knickers).
Food – we had different menu choices for people. I am hungry right now I wish I could go back and finish my food but there must be some unspoken rule when it’s your wedding day you don’t have any appetite!
One more for luck – we have some really really gorgeous photos that feature the landscape of London too, but they’re kind of for the private wedding album!
It was a really lovely day and I will always have fond memories! London will always have an extra special place in my heart now.
And although we didn’t need to be married to be ‘committed’ to one another it feels really, really special to be his wife! And there is a different level of completeness I feel – it’s hard to describe, maybe I won’t be able to put it in words but it’s like, we are really really really in it together now – may we live long enough to buy each other incontinence pads.
P.S. We still giggle when someone refers to us as ‘husband’ or ‘wife’!
Wedding mentions
Photographer - The immeasurably talented Charlotte – yes one of our own, Ms Lipglossiping! Once we knew she was doing the photographs I didn’t worry at all because I knew they would look amazing. I will always be grateful for her help. Mr Clive Lipglossiping did a great job carrying stuff too. Thanks Clive.
Flowers - were by Charlotte (are they all called Charlotte?!) from Spangle Flowers. The sister in law who goes to about 94327384 weddings a year said to me that she had seen many many bridal flowers but mine was the nicest bouquet she’d seen. I loved my bouquet, I carried it around all day like a purse and my bridesmaids, flower girl and groom’s corsage all had so many details and worked well together. Her and her email contact is: Charlotte Tatam or on Twitter @spangleflower
Hair - was done by Candice Sweeney who is a freelance hairdresser who has worked for Salons like RUSH. She was very professional, set up quickly and my hair held up well throughout the day.
Another thing; even when planned and executed in a short space of time, wedding costs add up. It’s definitely worth shopping around to find talented people who have reasonable charges, as some places take the mickey once they hear the word ‘wedding’. There’s also a lot of things you can do yourself, like we designed and printed all our own stationery, but there are things that are better done by the professionals (like flowers and hair!).
That was our day! Hope you enjoyed looking at the photos, I’ll have the fondest of memories, always.
{ 28 comments… read them below or add one }
Your pictures are so awesome! You guys look super-duper happy
Congrats again!
Awk Row, you look amazing
congratulations xx
Congratulations, everything looks gorgeous! The moustache photo is really amusing
Wish you and your husband every best thing in the world!
Aww, you all look gorgeous! Congratulations and thanks for sharing some of your special day with your readers
Congratulations! Love the photos especially the last one
Congratulations! Gorgeous!
Congratulations – you all look stunning xxxxx I wish you health and happiness forever
oh wow! congratulations, you look lovely… btw, your hubby is really handsome ^_^
Awwww, many many congratulations! Everyone looked beautiful and it seems like it was a really happy day all the way throughout.
I can’t stop smiling now!
You looked beautiful! I love your dress. Congratulations to you and Mr C x
Congratulations Rowena – you looked absolutely stunning x
Haha, as soon as I saw the picture of the little flower girl and her roses I knew it was Charlotte who had take your pictures! Reminds me of those she takes of her girl
You looked gorgeous and your hair is so pretty! Congratulations!
Aww, what lovely photos! How wonderful that everything, including the weather, came together for you perfectly. Congratulations again, here’s wishing you two a very happy and healthy long life together.
Congratulations!!!! Thank you for the peek into the photos! Looks like it was an amazing day – all those big smiles! Love the photo of you coming down the steps – you look so radiant! x
Congratulations! You look even more stunning on your wedding day and your husband is lucky to have you. I hope your feline beauty doesn’t get too jealous
Much heartiest congratulations!
Your husband and you look absolutely gorgeous! Yes, I do agree that one does not necessarily need to be married to each other in order to be committed to each other, but it really feels more special once you’ve gone through the wedding and have it all “legal” and “official” haha!
The photos are beautiful, Row and so were you! Thank you so much for sharing. Wishing you many many happy years with Mr. C and many little mini Candies to come
so beautiful . congratulations
you look beautiful! congratulations! x
Awwwww, what lovely photos! You all look so beautiful and happy! Congratulations
Kitty xox
What a wonderful idea for a fun wedding. Congrats!
CONGRATS!!!! You two are LOVELY!
wooooooooooooo. finally some pictures. so so so so so happy for you. the selection is pictures is too cute. love each and everyone of them xx
Congrads and sorry to be a little late to the party. I came here via your honeymoon/holiday review posts. You did a fantastic job on your own makeup!!
Awwww congrats to you both…pictures are amazing!! You look glowing, and how gorgeous is your flower girl!
don’t tell me i was the one to have wanted to come back on this post to check out the bump ^_^
Gorgeous! It looks like a perfect, intimate day. Just as it should be. xxx
Just catching up now…you looked so beautiful!! Everything was gorgeous…so happy for you and Mr C on your marriage and baby Candy!!! x